Foundation of association and association account:

Donations account:

Name of association: "Das Haus Lazarus"
IBAN: DE44 6649 0000 0015 2308 00


22. December 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The network of priests was officially recognised one month ago as a registered, non-profit association “Das Haus Lazarus e.V.” (House of Lazarus). Since today we now also finally have an association account. Although applied for immediately after the recognition, the documents were apparently lost by the bank and the entire process started from scratch. The obstacles which were placed in our way during this most important project so far and perhaps last project in the mission of the Blessed Mother are serious. Please pray very intensely for this mission.

Anyone who is accustomed to making a donation before Christmas (among other special occasions), for example a donation to the mission, may please sense in their heart and consider in spirit perhaps now to donate for this project of the residual army, which ultimately also indirectly deals with the Book of Truth, as well as other things!

Any financial assistance is urgently necessary: for renting or purchasing, for setting up the house; to provide for the priests in every respect, whether it entails food, clothing (soutane, vestments, etc.), their accommodation or for the chapel facility, sacral objects and much more! This burden can only be borne if everyone helps. We are now challenged in terms of our faith, trust, and our love for Jesus and in our mission as the residual army and the faithful.

It has always been this way through the ages.

- We find it in the Holy Scripture. There were people who supported the mission of Jesus, the apostles and the disciples; for example, Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus, or also many women who were with Jesus; even later the apostles themselves, who were always supported in their missions.

- At a later time, the construction of churches, cathedrals and monasteries was also not possible without support.

- It is also the same today with the “House of Lazarus”, where support is urgently necessary.

The “House of Lazarus” will and shall play a role so that the Church can rise from the ashes again and flourish like never before. From the very beginning Jesus wanted a Church which remains faithful to the truth, a Church in which God with the sacraments takes centre stage, not the person: a Church in which the sacrificial character of the Holy Mass stands above the Lord’s Supper.

On 17 September 2005, Saint Teresa of Avila spoke to Manuela – the seer of Sievernich – about the status of today’s Church:

“An overgrown fig tree stands in God’s garden. The gardener tends it, for the soil in which it is rooted is good, and he waits for harvest time. When it arrives, he sees that the tree has produced only withered fruits. Because of this and the negligible amount of life left in the tree, the gardener chops it down and tears its roots out of the ground. He then tills the good soil, plants a young fig tree, blesses it and allows it to grow. It grows and flourishes under his care, and at harvest time it bears rich fruit.
Consider this, my friend: the young tree cannot thrive beside the old, overgrown tree. The old, useless tree with its shrivelled fruits would have taken all the strength from the soil and the sunlight from the young tree. They cannot both survive next to each other. Yet neither will the old tree remove itself, nor the young tree plant itself, nor will the soil till itself… Many forget that this task belongs to the gardener, the one who tends God’s garden…”

May the Father in Heaven give us his help, his intercession and his protection, and guide us so that everything may come to pass according to his will.

God bless you!

"House of Lazarus" Apostolate